It is about time to blog, and there is a lot to update you on!
I have now accomplished 71 out of my 101 goals! 7 goals have been checked off the list in these last few weeks. With 485 days left for my
Day Zero Project, I am feeling a lot more confident that I can knock out the other 30!
To begin, I am proud to announce that I have finally graduated from American River College! I have graduated with degrees in Commercial Music Business and Liberal Arts! I will be starting at Sac State in the Fall. I can't wait!
After graduating, I decided that I would take a trip so that I could get my mind off of the craziness of life, and to celebrate my freedom from school.
Katie and Nic joined me in waking up at 330 am to begin out journey before the sunrise, so I could check off seeing the sun rise and set in the same day. We left Just before 5 am and had a gorgeous view on our drive.

Ashland, Oregon was the first real stop that we made, and it was to get gas. It was really weird to find out that you are not able to pump your own gas in Oregon! They have to come pump it for your. You hand them your card, and they get started!
Oregon is really nice. Right when you cross the border into Oregon, you definitely notice that you are no longer in California. Everything is so green. There are trees everywhere!

Our first stop, Bandon, Oregon for the West Coast Game Park Safari! I experienced a lot of pretty awesome things on this visit. I also learned that I hate Llamas. This is the last photo in existence of my memory of llamas. Llamas are dead to me.
On a more awesome note, I got to check off holding a baby cub! I got to play with a baby bobcat and some baby bears! Words cannot describe how excited I was when this little bobcat climbed on my lap. I was trying not to freak out too much, because all I wanted to do was hug her, but I also did not want my face to be clawed off. I found out that they purr, which is neat. I loved it!
The bears were more off in their own world. They didn't focus on anything other than their bottles. It was neat to be able to touch them.

We also went to the nursery section of the safari, and got to hold ferrets, an opossum, and baby foxes!
They actually let Katie and I name two of the foxes: Rocky and Esther!
I learned that Ferrets are super bendy! Their spines can be moved and twisted around and it doesn't hurt or them.
I also learned that opossums have 50 teeth...and confirmed the fact that they are super creepy looking.
After this stop, we made our way to the 45th parallel, which is half way between the equator
and the north pole. Kind of neat.
On the way, we stopped at a beach to see the sunset!
Here is a photo of the sunrise and sunset for the day: Pretty perfect. We stayed at this beach for quite a while. The tide was low, but on it's way in, so I decided to do a little bit of tide-pooling, as I usually do. :]
We found two ocher sea starts, which was neat. If the tide was not coming in so quickly, I would have loved to explore what was in the rocks. It was a neat little area.
We drove late into the night, until we all finally became quite tired. Close to the 45th parallel, I voted that we would continue on at least until we made it there, so we did! The 45th Parallel is just a tiny little sign, and you almost miss it! It was cool to have made it there! Half way between half of the earth. :]
We stayed in a super cheap hotel that night, and then got up to make our way to Washington!
I don't want to overwhelm you with information, so stay tuned for the next blog, where I will discuss Forks, WA, the Cullen House, messages in a bottle, bad memories, La Push beach, and so much more!
In other news: Know your worth.