
Thursday, August 1, 2013

2 More Things and a Familiar Feeling

I have completed a photo album for Jadelynn!  It is 20 pages long, and I used MyPublisher to do so. The program was easy to use, and the book turned out very nice!

Next, I have also completed my belly dancing goal!  The Dungeon has a Bhangra dance class for a few weeks, but unfortunately it did not stay open because we couldn't get enough people to commit to coming to class.  I was pretty sad, because the class was fantastic!  On our last day, Elizabeth let us request a few things, so I requested belly dancing, as it is on my list!  She showed us a few moves, and it is harder than I thought it would be.  Needless to say, I look very silly practicing in the mirror, but I will get the few moves I learned down!

Let's talk a bit more about The Dungeon.  I know a lot of my posts are about this place, but it truly has changed my life in every positive way.  Jamie has gotten to know me so well that, as soon as I step into the gym, she can tell if I am down.  She let's me punch out my frustrations and climb the rope, or do other things that make me feel good about myself.  More than anything, she pushes me to the breaking point.

That familiar feeling where I don't think I can go on any further or do any more reps, but she won't let me stop.  As I sat on the leg extension, doing reps on the heaviest weight I have ever used, she began to push down, using her body weight to add on.  I had to do 20 seconds, and I just started crying.  I didn't think I would be able to get through it, especially after over 2 hours of the most intense leg day that I have ever done.  I tried, but failed at least two times.  Jamie finally said to me, "Come on!  You are stronger than your bad day!  Don't let it beat you down!" I held it up, and pushed harder than ever before.  I felt that I was at the point of not being able to hold up anymore, but then I heard the magic words, "5 more seconds!" (which I am sure is longer, if you count like a normal person).

I have worked with other trainers before, and they are great, but nothing can compare to Jamie.  She cares about you, as a person, and genuinely wants to see you succeed.  She is obsessed with our results and wants to see us meet our goals and love ourselves.  She pushes up hard because she knows that we can do it, even more than we do.  I always say Jamie knows my strength even more than I do, which is really weird to think of.  It is true, though!  Those moments when I feel like I can't push any further and that I need to give in, she absolutely refuses to allow it.  She will push me to the breaking point and to success.

My experiences and changes in The Dungeon have been like none other.  If you are really wanting to make a huge change in your life, I challenge you to look into it!  You can contact Jamie through Facebook at In An Athletes Soul.

Stay tuned for my next post.  It will contain the ultimate before and current photos.  :]]


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