
Monday, January 28, 2013

I have decided to make this week awesome...

Last week, I began my last semester at American River College.  I have been here way too long, and am ready to move on to Sac State.
I started off extremely excited, but that excitement died rather quickly.  To say that my speech instructor is insane, would be an understatement.  I don't want to go into much detail, but the things he said were inappropriate and unbelievable.  On top of that, I was unable to get into the class that would replace this one, and there was in issue with my financial aid.  Then, the counselor I spoke with regarding the situation was rude about the whole thing.   My first week of school was bad.

The bad mood I was in seemed to carry into the weekend, along with disappointment after disappointment.  Monday finally came along, and I decided it was time to change my bad attitude.  I decided to make this week awesome.

To start, I had a great morning of classes.  My debate class is great.  We were able to come up with various topics for our first debate.  We voted to see which 4 topics would be discussed.  I suggested Human Trafficking, and it was the most popular subject.  I was also lucky enough to be on the affirmative group for this topic.  I could not have been given a subject closer to my heart.  I cannot wait to research further.

After school, by some miracle, I was able to secure an appointment with an academic counselor so that I could appeal for my financial aid.  The meeting went very quickly, and my counselor seems to be sure that it will all work out.  Finally, because we finished the financial aid portion so quickly, I was able to ask about petitioning for graduation.  I was able to fill out the paperwork right then!  I petitioned to graduate with two degrees:  Commercial Music Business and Liberal Arts.  This May, I will be graduating!  I am so excited!  In just a few months, I can cross this off my list. :]]

To end the evening, I decided to give the speech class another chance.  It actually went pretty well.  It was much better than my first experience. Given how class went today, I am unsure of what to do.  I will go to the other speech class tomorrow to see if anyone dropped, and if not, I guess I can stick it out through the long as things don't get crazy... :/  Either way, I am looking forward to what God has in store.

Other updates:
On Saturday, I went to a Christian Music Workshop, where I learned a lot more about the guitar.  There is a lot to practice!  This is going to be one of my harder goals to get through, I think.  It will take a lot of practice and dedication, but I will get there.

I have not been working on the puzzle much, but it is getting there.  It is still alive, so that says a lot.

We've moved onto a new step for potty training the cats: we punched out the first hole.  It definitely set Belle back a bit, but Megatron picked it up right away - no surprise there.

In other news: "Your mind spends about 70% of it's time replaying memories and creating scenarios of perfect moments."
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