
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Accomplishments and Upcoming Events

Recently checked off the list:
Learn to drive stick shift.  Katie has taught me to drive a manual.  While I couldn't survive if I had to drive in San Francisco, I can still get by here in Sacramento.  I learned to drive in Charlie, Katie's cute little bug.

Next, I have been training the last 7 weeks for the Run For Your Lives Zombie 5K and obstacle course in Southern California.  I have until October 20th!  I've been going out to jog 3 days a week and see improvements with each day.  So far, the most I have jogged, without stopping, is 2 miles in 22 minutes.  My goal is to be able to run 10 minute miles, so I am close!  This week, I will be challenging myself with a 2.5 mile run in 25 minutes (hopefully).  I am excited for the challenge, although I know it will be tough.
My ultimate hope is to get through the entire 5k without stopping - and to survive being eaten by zombies.

Finally, last month, I added wanted to hear from readers on what they feel I should add to my list, as I do have a few more spots open.  I ended up with 2 suggestions - both of which were added to my list:

1.  Skydiving
2.  Adopt a family for Christmas from one of the "Dear Santa" letters at the post office

I absolutely loved both of these ideas!

First, skydiving is one of those things I have always wanted to do but been too scared to accomplish.  I even considered adding it to my list, but then decided I wouldn't be able to do it, so it never made the cut.  This list is all about conquering my fears, and heights is the biggest one.  I am doing it.

Second, Adopt a family for Christmas from one of the "Dear Santa" letters at the post office.Fund the project with solicited donations.  I was unaware that this was even a thing.  I love to help people, so this is perfect!  I have also decided to pair this challenge with my college group - this way, we can make an even greater impact.

In other news:
"The 57 on Heinz ketchup bottles represents the number of varieties of pickles the company once had."
(Follow Uber Facts on Twitter)


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