
Monday, January 26, 2015

A Very Different Relationship (Officially Official)

For almost a year, I've been single.  It's really weird to think about - but this last year has so been needed!  As I've explained in many a blog post, God has used my singleness to point me back to Him. I've been more focused, and continued to push forward towards where I'm being called.

During that year, I've had a ridiculous amount of support from my family and friends - who have continued to be there for me the entire step of the way.  I've had adventures, the opportunity to grow in my friendships, and to really experience a very different kind of friendship.

Twelve years ago, I met Brian.  He was dreamy.  We built up a friendship, that eventually led to my first [real] relationship on January 19, 2004.  Finally, in October 2004, we called it quits and, after some time, we found a way to develop an awesome friendship.  Since then, he's always had a space in my life as a very good friend - there when I needed him, even when he lived in Mississippi.  Distance never made a difference.  Both of us got married, and out of respect for the marriages - we kept our distance.  When both of those fell apart, we were there for each other.  Our friendship picked up right where it left off;  he was my best friend.  Talking to him was always like therapy - I am pretty sure I worked out most of my issues through those conversations.  The really neat thing about it - he always pointed me back to God.  When I would get nervous about something - or ridiculously frustrated, he encouraged me to pray.  We would read the Bible with each other - and tried our best to dig deeper into what He wanted for our lives.  Eventually, these feelings started to develop again.  It was weird...and out of the blue.  I was enjoying my singleness.  I needed more time.  He was respectful of that - and our friendship never changed.

December rolled around, and something just sort of clicked.  I had peace and was ready to pursue a relationship so, I let him know.  In that awkward, not really sure where to go from here, moment I asked, "sooo...what now?"  He replied, "Give it time - we'll create a memory."  More time, I could do that.  With that time, we carried on as friends, as usual.  Behind the scenes, he was seeking permission to from my parents to date me.  Again - this is not something I've ever experienced in a relationship.  The amount of respect he has for my family and I is just unreal.  For once, both of my parents approved!  My mom has always been a little more conservative in her approval - and has literally never approved of any relationship I've been in.  Her "yes" means the world to me.  My dad has never been given the opportunity to have an opinion, so I'm sure he was pretty happy to have a say.  My dad and Brian get along really well too - which is also awesome.

I patiently waited, wondering when this memory would be made.  Finally, January 19th, we went out to the Melting Pot to celebrate my new job!  Little did I know, we'd be celebrating so much more.  Right when we sat down, he gave me the most perfect card.  It pretty much described our entire friendship - then some sweet writing from him on the inside.  After I finished my card, which ended in making us "officially official" (on the same date we were eleven years ago) - he gave me a box, which held a beautiful heart necklace.

We are one week into the relationship - and it's pretty neat.  Nothing has really changed other than a title.  We continue to grow in God together - keeping our focus on Him being in the center of it all.  We maintain those boundaries, respect each other, and have adventure.

This is a very different type of relationship in that God is involved through and through.  This is how a relationship should be.  :]

In other news: "Butterflies taste with their hind feet."
Find other useless facts online here.


Friday, January 16, 2015

"Congratulations! Your degree has been conferred..."

It's official, friends!  I have graduated from Sac State with a Bachelor's Degree in Communication Studies - focusing on Public Relations!

Leading up to my graduation date, God began doing some really awesome things in my life.  A few weeks before graduation, a position opened up at work for a Promotions Manager.  This is the vary job I began working at K-LOVE and Air1 for and it opened up right as I was in a spot where I would actually qualify for it.  I was definitely more than thrilled that this opportunity had presented itself to me.

I went ahead and applied and, after 6 interviews, I finally got it!

I still haven't quite grasped that fact that I won't be going back to school when everyone else is - or that I am finally going to be in my career.  It's so unreal.  I am blessed.

The really cool thing is that I can see how God has worked in my life over the last few years to bring me here.  In 2010, I was working towards being a delivery nurse, while also working concerts on the side - which I loved!  God gave me this idea for a program called Fuel the Fire - and it really took off!  I was able to get tons of experience in events.  Finally, at the end of the program, during altar call, I stood in the back of the church - watching how God was moving.  I was just in awe of how God had used this program; of how He had used me.  In that moment, everything changed.  I suddenly didn't want to be a delivery nurse - I had to do more of these programs.  I changed my major - changed my priorities - and was fully ready to do another event juts like this, when God totally shut me down simply saying, "not now."  I was devastated, and couldn't understand why I wouldn't be able to do another one of these events the following year as I had planned. The answer is simple:  God's plans are always better than our own.

I really had no idea what He was doing until this job came up - suddenly, everything made sense.  As I was in the interview process for the new position, the part of my resume that stood out the most was that event!  The one I had worked on just over 4 years ago had prepared me with the tools and experience I needed for this position.  In obedience, I left my cozy state job of 7 years to work at the radio station simply because it felt like God said it was time.  I had support from amazing coworkers I wouldn't even realize I needed until I faced my divorce.  I've been able to speak to listeners and hear of what God is doing in their lives.  He's ministered to me through their stories too.  There have been times I've cried right along with them - as we've healed through the same hurts, and expressed joy with them as we celebrated God's love and blessings in our lives.  I've come to know our listeners, the people behind the scenes - who work countless nights to keep this place running, and I've come to know this culture - and I cannot wait to share it with all the people I will be encountering through this new position.

I've really been able to see God's hand in my life throughout the last few years - and how He has developed even the greatest hurts into something beautiful.  Of all things, I do know this:  He is faithful - and knows what's up, even when I can sometimes be horribly confused about where I'm being taken.  :]

Other awesome things - I really don't like reading.  I wish I did, but I have a hard time being patient as I read.  I decided to go ahead and change that - so I joined a book club!  I have finished 2 books this year, and have moved onto a third, written by Nicole De La Cruz, "Hidden Secrets."  I've known Nikki for something like 7 years now - and I have never seen her so incredibly passionate about anything as much as she is about books.  She was finally given the opportunity to be in a place where she can write - and writing she has been doing!  Within just a few short months, she has written this book, which will hopefully be out soon.  It follows the life of Scarlett, who is just learning how to live on her own after ending a terrible relationship.  Things changed a bit when she encounters, Kyle - an adorably sweet British bartender.  I'm about 3 chapters in and love it!  When this book comes out, I definitely encourage you guys to check it out!

In other news:  "Researchers found that couples connected to monitors measuring heart rates and respiration get their heart rate in sync, and they breathe in and out at the same intervals."
Oh, love.  <3  You can read more about this on Science Daily
