
Friday, April 26, 2013

Recap and Progress

First, because the blog has began to get so many hits, I figured now would be a good time to reintroduce what I am doing here.  In January 2012, I began the Day Zero Project.  This project is a list (that I have created) of 101 things to do in 1001 days.  I did not want this to just be a list of random things; I wanted this list to mean something.  To me, this list is about being fearless. 

Taylor Swift says it best: “To me, Fearless is not the absence of fear. It's not being completely unafraid. To me, Fearless is having fears. Fearless is having doubts, lots of them. To me, Fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death.” There are far too many things that I am afraid of:  Flying, heights, guns, snowboarding, surfing, etc.  There are so many things that can get you hurt if you are not careful.  My fears are keeping me away from living.  There are more car accidents than skydiving accidents or shark attacks.  The odds seem to be in my favor. 

In January 2012, I began on a journey to challenge myself in my fears, and to stretch myself as a person. I have decided to not allow myself to dream of things that will never happen.  To date, I have completed 63 of my goals, with 6 in progress, and 32 more to complete.  I've traveled to Europe, went skydiving, snowboarding, got fake arrested, held a tarantula, danced with strangers, rode a motorcycle, tried Ethiopian food, based all of my decisions off of a Magic 8 Ball for a day, started this blog…the list goes on.  This has, by far, been my best 475 days of my life!  It has led me to new experiences and some pretty exciting and awesome memories. 

Moving on, I have began reading "The Time Traveler's Wife," and I love it!  There are definitely some odd moments that make you think, "what in the world!?" For the most part, I really enjoy it.  Hopefully it will be finished by next week.

Next, we all know I have been working my butt off in The Dungeon with Jamie and Josh, so this week I decided to take a few progress photos.

I did not expect to see this kind of progress!  
The top two photos are from March.  My friend, Jessica had sent these photos to me, but I hated them, so I never saved them to my phone.  I am happy I kept the messages though because they are a great measurement of where I started.  
My hips and my back are what really amazed me!  I did not realize how horrible I looked while I was in that body, but seeing the progress - wow!
We work hard in The Dungeon, pushing ourselves through the breaking point and into a whole new level of fitness.  Everything is about tightening and toning!

I am finally starting to feel confident in myself, and for the first time, I feel as if my goals are actually reachable.  I am going to love this summer. :]
If you are really wanting to make a change in your body, please contact Jamie on the link above.  You will never regret a decision to make yourself more fit and healthy!

I've also decided to add another fitness goal to my Day Zero Project list: Climb the rope at The Dungeon!  Jamie, let's do this!

In other news:  "The world's most expensive swimsuit is a bikini that costs $30 million. It's made with more than 150 carats of diamonds all set in platinum."
(Follow UberFacts on Twitter)



Monday, April 15, 2013

The Breaking Point

Today, I'm going to start with Lifetime Movie Monday!
Title: 12 Hours to Live

My guess: A woman is told (by a psychic) that she is going to die in 12 hours, so she decides to do all the things she has ever wanted to do. She gets crazy, has fun, finds love, and then dies...all in 12 hours...

Actual plot: "Eighteen-year-old Amy is having a bad day. Not only has she been kidnapped by a deranged gunman, but as a diabetic without her insulin, her chances of survival are diminishing with each tick of the clock. FBI agent Megan Saunders isn't walking on sunshine either, since this madman killed her partner when Megan hesitated to pull the trigger. Now Megan won't stop till she nails this guy, but can she save Amy before her time is up?"

Once again, Lifetime has created a ridiculous plot. Ha!

I finished reading "The Lucky One," last week. It was nice to envision Zac Efron as the main character throughout the book. Ha! It was difficult to get into the book, at first, but as I started reading and getting to know the back story of each character, it got much better.  My favorite parts were the flashbacks that Thibault frequently had. I also liked how the author, Nicholas Sparks, wrote the each chapter from the perspective of a specific character. It allows the reader to see the feeling behind the actions.  The book was okay, but not the greatest thing I've read.

This coming weekend, I will go to the library for my next book!

Now, let's get to some Dungeon talk! As many of you know, I've been working out in The Dungeon with Jamie and Josh. Each workout seems to test me like crazy. Last weekend, I hit the breaking point. I was challenged with staying in the squat position while doing 50 reps with arm weights.  The difficult part, if I stood up or sat down at all, I'd have to start all over.  I've done this workout with 30 reps before, and I felt like I hardly made it through those. I definitely failed before hitting 30, so 50 was unimaginable. After failing several times, I got to 43. My Dungeon family was cheering me on, saying I can do it, and offering encouraging words, yet at 43, my legs just dropped. I finally cried. This was the worst feeling of failure. I was so close to the end and tried so hard to push to 50 but I just couldn't.

As I sat on the ground, crying, Josh said "that is the breaking point, and it's a beautiful place to be." At the time, I couldn't understand why it was a beautiful place to be, but shortly after, those words began to have meaning. When I first began, I began feeling tired after the first ten reps and at one point, I was tired after five. In that moment, I had an option to stop and start over while I was still in the beginning of the set, but I pushed on.  I tried, I pushed myself further than I felt I was capable of, I was tired, but determined to make it. When I couldn't make it, I realized I had pushed passed what I thought was my limit and I am much stronger than I had ever believed. With a little more pushing, I will get to that 50.

Jamie walked over to me and said it was okay to cry and to let it out. So, I did, I just cried. She had me do some sprinting and try to control my breathing, then I had to come back, and start all over again. This time, I only made it to 38 before I fell again. I cried so hard. Jamie told me to get up and rep out the last 12, so I did. When I finished, Jamie tooled right in my eyes and said, "I am proud of you. That was tough, but you still went for it. I am proud of you." Those words were golden.

Since then, I've encountered this same challenge. 30 doesn't feel so bad, but 50 is still a challenge - but I have gotten there (tear free).

I love everything I've taken in from this experience. Also, a result update: I've lost 24.5 inches in 5 weeks. :]]

Upcoming, I've decided to add 365 days of Thank You to my list. The goal is to write one letter every day, saying thank you for anything as simple as delivering mail, to more complex and life changing thank yous. This challenge is to encourage growth, development, and to just help me become more grateful for what I have.

Finally, instead of a fun fact, I am leaving you with a verse. I am going through something right now, for which I would love some prayer. This verse just spoke to be and really encourages me when I am in this place of defeat. With God, I am more than a conqueror:

" all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us." (Romans 8:37 NIV)
In the difficult times, I pray we can all find our hope and safety in God. 


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

It's been a while...


Life gets busy, but I am back!
A lot has changed in the 2 months I have been MIA.  First of which, I had to stop toilet training the cats.  Now, that does not mean I am giving up on it.  When I punched out the fist hole, Belle did not take to it well and began peeing everywhere.  I realized that I did kind of jump into it quickly, so I decided to go back to the start.  We went back to the litter box, and I hate every second of it.  I have just recently moved the litter box into the bathroom, so they can get used to actually going in a different room.  The next step - in a few weeks+ is to take the lid off of the box, so they can get used to going out in the open.  Following that - in a month+, we will move back to the CitiKitty, which will begin on the floor.  We will move on from there at whatever pace they need.  Hopefully it is within 550 days.

550 days is not that much to complete the rest of my goals.

I am finally Graduating!  On May 22nd, I will walk across that stage and receive my diploma from American River College.  I will have two AA Degrees:  Music Business and Liberal Arts.
I was accepted into Sacramento State last month, so I will be continuing my education there, where I will be working on my BA in Communications with an emphasis on Public Relations.
I am very excited to get started on this next chapter of my life, but I am also extremely scared.  Up to this point, I have not needed to apply for loans or had to pay any ridiculous amounts.  Sac State will definitely be more expensive, but I am prepared to get all of the loans and grants necessary to get to my goal.
After paying all of this money, I will definitely be motivated to move past where I am working now and onto my goal career.

I can't wait to get there. :]]

One goal that has been completed is the goal of playing disc golf.  I definitely thought this was going to be boring.  While I am not at all good at it, I did have a lot of fun playing with a few friends at a birthday party.  It is a neat game, and I guess I can see why some people enjoy playing it often.

Book updates:
I finished the Hunger Games series!  The first book was the only one on my list, but I couldn't move on without completing the entire series.  The next book I will be reading is "The Lucky One." Review to be posted next week.

Upcoming events:
Babies!  Not my own, of course, but a few of my friends are having little ones and I am just so excited!

Weddings!  I have been asked be part of two weddings!
Ariel is getting married in July, and I have been asked to be a bridesmaid.  Our blue dresses are gorgeous!  Definitely a dress that I will be wearing again and again!  I am very excited to see these two tie the knot!  What a better way to continue your first relationship. :]
Nikki is getting married to her absolute best friend, Jesse.  Seeing where Nikki has come from, I am excited she has found someone who can make her smile the way that Jesse can.  The minute he entered her life, everything changed.  I am honored to be a part of this bridal party and cannot wait to see it all develop and come to fruition this November.

With all of these wedding, it is about time I get in shape!  I also have a weight goal in my Day Zero Project, and what better time to start?
I would like to introduce to you, Jamie and Mike who are the trainers of the Dungeon!  I started working with Jamie last month, and things have really began to change.  I have not done any official weigh-ins or measurements since starting, but I know I have lost some inches.  Pants and shirts fit more comfortably, and I feel a lot more healthy.  I am pushing myself as they are pushing me to complete these fitness challenges each and every week. I have also been given a meal plan, which I have been following, but could probably follow a bit closer.  It is tough to eat as many times a day as I am being challenged to do, but it is absolutely worth it.  I feel great after my workouts, even though I sometimes cannot move.  HAHA!  Along with all of this fitness madness, I am making friends who are encouraging and changing as well.  I love to see all of their progress, and the motivation in the Dungeon is like nothing I have ever experienced.
I can't wait to go back each week!
If you are looking into changing your physique, I urge you to check out Jamie and Mike at In An Athletes Soul on Facebook.  It will change your life.

Next blog will be up on Monday and will include a Lifetime Movie Challenge - because I know you all miss it. :]

In other news:  "Topanga was named after a canyon in California that hippies would frequent."
(Follow Girl Meets World on Twitter)
