My wonderful - amazing - incredible boyfriend, Brian. To wake up each morning to a prayer by text is indescribable. Praying together. Growing in God together. These are the things in my relationship I value the most. There are times we can't stop talking to one another - and other times we sit in silence and just enjoy the company of one another. My heart sure does enjoy him. <3
My sweet girl. My princess. I am so blessed beyond measure to be able to continue a relationship with this love. Each moment I get with her is incredible and I cherish far beyond measure. She is so smart and getting so big. I can hardly believe she was just nearly 2 when I met her. She will be 10 this year. Time sure does fly.
Then there is my giiiirrrrl. My PIC. She has been a constant encouragement in my life and always points me back to God when I need it - Plus we go on a ton of adventures so that's neat. I love her so much. :]
My Juanita - whom I have grown incredibly close with so fast. She loves monopoly and will wait 2.5 hours with me to get a cup of free coffee from Dutch Brothers. She loves Jesus, helps me stay sane when I feel like I'm freaking out over dumb things, and is just an overall amazing person. Through Brian, I've gained another sister - whom I cherish so deeply.
My friends who have become my family. Brian's family is the kind of family I have always prayed for - huge and super close. Along with him, I've gained them. Bri, Toni, and Sarah have become the girls I spend most of my time with. They each have their amazing points:
Bri was the first person in Brian's family I really connected with. She is hilarious - and also helps me feel better when I freak out over dumb things. lol. She's incredible, and I can't wait to spoil mini mimi in a few months.
Toni was the first person I met in Brian's family and it was an instant welcome. She was kind, excited, and I absolutely love having her has a friend, family member, and cardio buddy. She da best..
Sarah's bangs are bangin' and her eyebrows are always on point. She is blunt - to the point - and I love it. One of the strongest personalities I know, and just a ton of fun. Plus we both love Marilyn. I love getting to know her - and just being around her.
Nikki has been through it all with me - enough to build an incredibly strong friendship. I've seen her grow a ton in the last few months - and she's seen the same from me. She is incredible, strong, and I am so proud of who she has become and all of the wonderful things she is doing.

Nicoleon sends me bear jokes and makes me laugh. I admire her strength. She tight.
My two older sisters are probably my role models. I look up to them in pretty much all areas of life.

Panda. :] This is one of those long distance friendships that manages to still connect like family. I love her - and am so proud to see what she is making of her life. She has truly risen from the lowest points to be successful and an amazing mother to her two little ones.

The rest of my life consists of games, lifting, church, and my wonderful job. I love where life is right now. I feel blessed to have such incredible, amazing people around me.
I get to work full time in a ministry where God uses me each day to be the hands and feet of K-LOVE and Air1 - in a way I am so passionate about!
I am surrounded by amazing women (and men) who train incredibly hard at The Dungeon and see such extreme results! I am inspired by Katie Felix who has made the most incredible changes in her body. I am encouraged by Jamie, who pushes me to the vary breaking point during all of my workouts.
1 year ago - I didn't realize life could ever be this cool.
I love you jenni!!