I have been practicing juggling, mostly fruit, for several months now. As of October 26th, I have decided that I can officially juggle! I find that bean bags work best. I feel awesome. :]

Worst experience with this, so far, is when I realized the litter we bought is not able to be flushed...The toilet overflowed at 1am...major mess to clean up. But, again, this is just one struggle leading to the end of the litter box! Worth.it.

Another completed goal was to buy bright pants. I know it is silly, but I wanted to buy bright pants because it is just not me! I was searching for a red pair, but when I came across a pair of green ones, I was sold. They were super cute, so I bought them, and fulfilled this goal! Pulling.them.off.
I was able to complete my goal to participate in Adopt-A-Block at the LA Dream Center on 11.3.12. Jessica and I went to adopt-a-block and assisted with several families in the projects. We gave them food, diapers, stuffed animals, and played with the kids. I was fascinated by these kids and how much they knew about the world, and how much they craved a relationship with God. They were all loving and so welcoming. They were shocked that I am still in college. I guess seeing an adult in college is not common in the area, so I encouraged them in school and told them about what college can do for you. Please pray for these kids. I pray that, as they continue to grow up, they will never lose their trust in God, passion for life, or their hopes and dreams. This was definitely an eye opening experience.
50 goals completed! 51 more to go! 696 days left! I also have one more item to add to the list. Please feel free to make suggestions.
Subject shift, today, I met with Christina to tour Sac State. I am really excited to transfer next fall. Scared, but very excited to see what this change will bring.
Speaking of changes, I will be working with a few music artists in the near future. More details to follow.
In other news: "You can't inhale through your nose an talk at the same time."
(Follow Uber Facts on Twitter)
Go ahead and try...I did it too...
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