You're mean - But I forgive you.
You create these stories to tell people in your own world, hoping they will make it back to mine - which of course they do and of course they hurt because I don't understand for the life of me why you won't stop - But I forgive you.
You post statuses and photos insisting that you don't care - but they scream that you are hurting inside and rather than embracing the hurt to feel and truly process through what it is you're experiencing, you try to hurt others - But I forgive you.
You send your friends to cyber bully me at any opportunity - spewing hateful words and accusations as if I'm supposed to suddenly come out and admit that the lies you've created are reality - But I forgive you.
You tell lies and try to pit family members and friends against each other, grasping at straws in an attempt to take anyone down with you - But I forgive you.
I'm not part of what happened to you. No matter how hard you try to paint this picture as if your situation was something far greater than what it actually was - blaming me or anyone else who you feel you can hurt - But I forgive you.
I forgive you. I forgive you.
The words are hard to say. They are even harder to make myself believe.
The truth is that there is something deeper to the game you're playing; you're hurting and it is completely okay to hurt.
Furthermore, it's okay to admit that you're hurting because honestly, you're better than this.
You are better than any lie you have crafted.
You are better than the hurt you won't let yourself heal from.
You are better than any of this.
You deserve much more than you think. Give yourself a chance to have that rather than swimming in your own pool of bitterness and stories.
In the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. "...Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
Furthermore, God calls us to love and forgive, even when it is so incredibly hard to do so.
Let me tell you now that while I do absolutely hate what you've done and all of the things you've said, I do love you. While each and every post that finds it's way back to me does bother me for mere minutes - I do forgive you for them.
I forgive you for them because I know you're hurting and hope that one day you'll forgive yourself too so you can be completely healed and whole from all you've experienced.
Yes - you are mean (right now) - But I forgive you.
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