Everything feels warm and happy - I couldn't imagine a more perfect place to be.
1 week ago, Yessica and I bought our tickets to Italy when prices took a HUGE dip! We are leaving in just over 5 months - wow! Flying into Rome, and exploring as much of Italy as possible. My family has a ton of history there, so I am looking forward to seeing and learning more about that.
So - here is to adventures and major changes! I am declaring right here that I've remembered why I started this journey, and I am determined to make the next 8 weeks incredible as I fight my way towards the fitness level I'd like to be at. Going from this to being healthy is just that; it's a fight. - It is a decision each day to prep my meals, drink a gallon of water, say no to the thing I am craving - unless it's a cheat meal - and to make each scheduled workout!
With the huge amount of support and love from my trainer - Jamie, Team Dungeon, my fantastic boyfriend, and from amazing friends like Kaite (seriously follow her on IG @fromchubba2hubba), Juanita, Toni, and my giiiirl Jessica - I know that I can rock this out - exactly as I have in the past.
I look forward to checking in with you guys each week to let you know how I'm doing as well.
I'd also like to thank all of you for following my journey over the past few years. Life has changed a ton - but it is so incredibly beautiful. <3
In other news - blue whales are so enormous that a human being could swim through their largest veins. (Check out more cool facts here).