Speaking of awesome, for Christmas this year, I got season 7 of HIMYM! Marathons will be happening for WEEKS!
In addition, How I Met Your Mother has been signed for a 9th season with all original cast members.
To top it all off, the Backstreet Boys performed this morning - nailed it. All my dreams...
My last post discussed the Dear Santa program; we were able to adopt 3 letters! I headed out to buy presents for the families (with Christina), and we ended up meeting a lady at WalMart who was selling things to raise money to buy presents for her kids. Our church had received a lot of donated, unopened toys, so we were able to help out this family as well - for a total of 4.
The next family was the one with the letter from the little boy. We bought his grams a Bible and had her name engraved it in. She was so happy to have her new Bible and couldn't wait to open it up! They were very grateful, and even gave us a thank you card. In the photo to the left, the boy in the red sweater is the one who wrote the letter. It was a very sweet moment to see them interact together. She was so proud of her grandson for thinking of her and for his heart for God. This was an absolutely amazing thing to be a part of.
We did not get to stay to see the other two families open their presents, but they really appreciated their gifts.
Four families lives where impacted this Christmas because of Carmen's suggestion to add Dear Santa to my list. This has been an great experience altogether, and I plan on doing it again next year with the College Group.
On another note, school is out, which is nice. I was lucky enough to be able to enroll in all the classes I need for the next semester and will have my AA by May 2013! I have also applied to Sac State and am ready to transfer over. I will be majoring in Communications, and can't wait to see where this will take me.

I also attended one amazing Ugly Christmas Sweater White Elephant Gift Potluck Game Night with my awesome friends. We were all dressed in our best for this wonderful occasion. I am grateful to have all of these wonderful people in my life.

2013 is going to be crazy, fun, amazing, and full of new and exciting experiencing! I cannot wait for it! Next year will be my last opportunity to go to New York for the new year, before my list is up, so that will be happening. I am looking forward to all of the traveling and adventure that will be had!
In other news: "The pattern of your heartbeat changes to mimic the type of music you're listening to."
(Follow UberFacts on Twitter)
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