Today you are 2 months old, and what a wild 2 months it has been. On April 13th I got test results back that said my bile acid levels were too high which is dangerous for you. I had just finished grocery shopping when I got the news. My plan was to spend the weekend meal prepping. Those plans were put on hold because they would be inducing me at 3:30pm - just 3 hours after I got the call. I immediately called your dad. He was almost to work. We were both so shocked when we realized we would be meeting you so soon! To be honest, I was terrified. I had a specific birth plan in place that I wasn't sure would be able to happen. Go figure that a birth plan wouldn't work out.

Things really started moving the, and it was painful! I tried to labor in several different positions to help with the pain, but each time I did, your heart rate would drop - so they I just stay in bed to labor, which was disappointing for me, but at least I knew you'd be safe!
By 4 AM I was around 5 cm dilated and had barely any time between the intense contractions. It felt like only seconds between contractions, and the pain was so much and I finally decided to get the epidural, which was around 5 AM.
After getting the epidural, I fell asleep almost instantly. A few hours later, I woke up and was 9.5 cm dilated and it was almost time to start pushing! Every contraction that hit, we would push for 3 sets of 10 seconds each.

The next hour was a whirlwind. I got to hold you the entire time. We tried to feed you and you latched right away. Dad cut your - and after that golden hour, they finally told us your birth details: Time: 8:34am, Weight: 6 lbs 12 oz. Length: 20 in. Your dad and I were speachless and so in love with you. We prayed for you each day and here you were, 8 months, 3 weeks, and 2 days later.
We were moved to our room where we learned to bathe you, breastfeed, diaper, and a ton of other fun things, including swaddling, which you dad is a pro at.
We went home the next day. It was crazy that they just let us leave the hospital with a tiny human just over 24 hours later.
And that, Brenli, is how we met you.
Today you are 2 months old. This is the most challenging thing we've ever done, but you are so very worth it. Your dad and I love you so much, Brenli Lynn Arruda.