"Why am I even doing this? I've seen no progress recently - though I haven't exactly been on diet 100% or making even close to all of my workouts. Maybe I should just take a break after this week and come back in a few months...I just want to be there already! I have so much further to go..."
These are my thoughts as I lay down - trying to force myself to be motivated through my ab circuit in gym. Normally, I am pumped, happy to be there, and excited for all challenges - tonight was different though. Tonight, I was ready to really give up.
Just then, I was moved into ball slams. On my way over, I noticed the message for the week on the white board:

"The #1 reason why people give up so fast is because they tend to look at how far they still have to go. Instead of how far they have gotten!" - Wise words from Josh, one of the trainers here.
I've never needed to read this more. I have been focusing on the fact that my body isn't where I want it to be yet - but that's just it - maybe it is not there yet, but it will be. I have made so much progress from when I started in March, I just have to keep pushing - knowing that it won't happen over night - and also that it won't happen if I don't stick to what I am supposed to be doing to get there. This message gave me that extra push of motivation to knock out my 100 ball slams much faster than usual, and to push through the rest of my workout.
I know I'll get there - I just have to keep pushing.
In other news: I finally went swing dancing. Yay for checking that off the list. I went with my friends Nic and Justin. It definitely was a good time! I learned some sweet moves and danced all night!
Total number of things completed: 81.
20 more with 285 days to go!